Issue 1990

Douglas Roche: Environment, Development & Arms Control

Published October 27, 2006


Author, parliamentarian, and diplomat, Douglas Roche was Canada's Ambassador for Disarmament from 1984 until 1989. Before that, from 1972 to 1984, he was elected to the Canadian Parliament four times. He has been awarded honorary doctoral degrees from St. Stephen's College, Simon Fraser University, and the University of Alberta. And he has been honored with the Christian Culture Gold Medal Award; the Alberta Premier's Award for Excellence, and the Peace Award of the World Federalists of Canada. He has written nine books. His latest, Building Global Security: Agenda for the 1990's, describes how the arms race, world poverty, environmental degradation, and staggering debt can only be solved by new international partnerships. He is presently Distinguished Fellow at the Canadian Centre for Arms Control and Disarmament and Visiting Professor at the University of Alberta.